  • Halcor invests in the digitalisation of its procurement and supply chain

Digitalisation is fundamentally altering manufacturing. At the heart of this transformation is the integration of digital technologies into procurement and supply chain management, leading to significant benefits in efficiency, transparency, and overall operational effectiveness. That is why it is considered critical in enhancing Halcor’s competitive edge and driving sustainable growth within a demanding international landscape, as Halcor Supply Chain Director Anastasia Toupali recently explained at the roundtable discussion, “Digital Transformation of procurement in Manufacturing. Challenges and prospects. Opportunities and strategies.”  

The discussion gave procurement and supply chain executives from the manufacturing sector the chance to exchange opinions and ideas on the role of procurement in digital transformation. Ms. Toupali talked about the essential cultural shift that must occur at all levels of a company for it to fully harness the power of digitalisation and automation. She also noted the importance of process optimisation as an essential first step towards the seamless integration of innovative technologies. 

Digital transformation addresses issues inherent in traditional processes, offering a wide range of benefits to companies, such as improved efficiency and productivity, cost savings, enhanced transparency and visibility, better decision-making, and improved risk management, generating greater agility, competitiveness, and value across the supply chain. Nevertheless, fully adopting it may initially present challenges, such as overcoming resistance to change and addressing employee skillset gaps. Moreover, there are also cybersecurity risks and technical difficulties that need to be addressed such as the integration with legacy systems. In any case, data quality and governance are of utmost importance.

The pathway to digital transformation in supply chain management is multifaceted, necessitating a cohesive and strategic approach. While it is a challenging path, the benefits are substantial. Halcor is committed not only to keeping up with the industry's advancements, but also to playing an instrumental role in shaping its future, Ms. Toupali said.