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Adherence to the principles of sustainable development through responsible investments aimed at business excellence

As part of the Bravo Sustainability Dialogue & Awards, ElvalHalcor received two awards that reaffirm the company's commitment to the principles of Sustainable Development and its dedication to implementing responsible business practices. The awards ceremonies took place during the Sustainability Week 2021 event) organized by Quality Net Foundation (QNF), at the Old Parliament House from June 21 to June 23.

ElvalHalcor invests heavily in Sustainable Development and consistently pursues responsible development through the implementation of a series of best practices. In this year’s Bravo Awards process,  ElvalHalcor submitted a total of five practices which are publicly  available in the Sustainable Development Observatory, out of which  two have been distinguished by the jury and awarded:

  • Responsible production of rolled aluminum products, with sustainability certification according to the ASI Performance Standard as well as the ASI Chain of Custody Standard of the ASI-Aluminum Stewardship Initiative. (Pillar: Governance - Market / Theme: Value Chain Management).
  • Recycling of copper, copper alloys, and aluminum (Pillar: Environment / topic: Waste management and circular economy).

Mr. Panagiotis Tserolas, Sustainability Specialist of Elval (Aluminum Rolling Division of ElvalHalcor), receiving the award for the responsible production of aluminum rolled products, stated: “We are happy to be the first company in Greece to achieve this double certification and we thank the Bravo organizers and the jury for highlighting and recognizing this success. This certification was both a challenge and the capstone of our ongoing effort for a sustainable strategy. ASI Performance Standard holistically evaluates and certifies the performance of companies in the ESG pillars, in terms of the participants compliance with a number of specifications of responsible production and proper management of the supply chain throughout the aluminium life cycle. On the other hand, ASI Chain of Custody Standard seeks to link already certified companies within a sustainable value chain that advocates the proper management and responsible production of aluminium products. Our goals, inextricably linked to today’s challenges and opportunities, are to intensify our efforts towards continuous improvement in all indicators as well as the responsible production of sustainable products and high-value-added aluminium solutions”.

Regarding the second award of the Company, for the Metal Recycling practice of, Mr. George Mavraganis, Director of Strategic Planning and Sustainable Development of Halcor (Copper and Alloys Extrusion Division of ElvalHalcor) receiving the relevant award, stated: “This award honors us and makes us very happy. Representing ElvalHalcor's copper and alloy extrusion sector, I would like to note that copper recycling is a strategic practice for us, as it contributes to the immediate reduction of our environmental footprint while supporting the principles of sustainable development”.

Additionally, Pantelis Stathopoulos, Production Planning -Blending Optimizer Engineer at Elval, receiving the award on behalf of ElvalHalcor’s Aluminium Rolling Division said:  We would like to thank Quality Net and the Jury for the award and the recognition of our efforts in aluminium recycling. Aluminium is in the corner stone of the green transition mega-trends due to its ability to be infinitely recycled without losing any of its properties. Replacing primary aluminium with recycled metal significantly contributes in energy saving and emission reduction and also significantly improves our overall product environmental footprint. At  Elval we will continue our efforts towards environmentally friendly recycling of aluminium scrap through investments in new technologies in order to continuously increase the use of recycled aluminium in our products.

Bravo institution is organized by the Quality Net Foundation in the framework of the Sustainable Greece 2020 Initiative, emphasizing the promotion at the national level of social dialogue for Sustainable Development, based on initiatives implemented by Businesses, Local Government Organizations, and Local Government Organizations.

