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ElvalHalcor receives top-tier placement (Platinum) in the first Greek ESG Transparency Index

ElvalHalcor was distinguished in the top tier (Platinum) among the 100 largest companies in Greece, regarding the level of transparency on ESG matters, according to the "ESG Transparency Index" survey conducted on behalf of Forbes.

The survey depicted, the transparency level of the 100 largest companies in Greece on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) matters, based on specific sources from public reports and information disclosure criteria they publish, in terms of international sustainability standards and turnover data of 2021 as a reference year.

The companies were evaluated based on specific criteria, which were designed to cover all three pillars (Environment, Social, Governance), taking into account ESG indicators of leading international and national non-financial reporting standards (GRI, SASB, ATEX ESG Guide, ESRS, TCFD).

The inclusion of ElvalHalcor in the top tier among the leading companies of the Greek economy, highlights the commitment to the principles of sustainable development and the emphasis on the principles of transparency according to modern business practices. ElvalHalcor is a benchmark in the metal processing industry, following a growth path based on the principles of sustainable development. Responding to the modern challenges of tackling climate change, energy saving and circular economy, the Company leverages the unique properties of aluminium and copper to produce sustainable products and solutions in accordance with the international sustainability principles.

Focusing on transparency and accountability, ElvalHalcor, among others, publishes Annual Sustainable Development Report (since 2008) according to the guidelines of the international Global Reporting Initiative and complies with the ATHEX ESG Reporting Guide.