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HALCOR – Announcement

"HALCOR METAL WORKS S.A.” (hereinafter referred to as the "Issuer") announces to the investment community that the merger by absorption of the company under the trade name "ELVAL HELLENIC ALUMINIUM INDUSTRY S.A.” by the Issuer, in compliance with C.L. 2190/1920 and Law 2166/1993, as in force, was approved by Decision with ref. no 131569/30-11-2017 of the Ministry of Economy and Development and was entered in the General Commercial Registry on 30-11-2017. It should be noted that the amendment, inter alia, of article 1 of the Issuer’s Articles of Association regarding the change of the Issuer's trade name to “ELVALHALCOR HELLENIC COPPER AND ALUMINIUM INDUSTRY S.A.” and distinctive title (brand name) to "ELVALHALCOR S.A.", respectively, was also approved by the above Decision of the Ministry of Economy and Development.  

Athens, December 1, 2017