  • Personal Data Privacy Statement

Identity of the Data Controller

“ELVALHALCOR HELLENIC COPPER AND ALUMINIUM INDUSTRY S.A.”), or “ElvalHalcor”, 2-4 Mesogeion Avenue, Athens Tower, 2nd Building, Athens 11527, Greece, controls your personal data explicitly for the agreed / communicated purposes.
Purposes for Data Processing

ElvalHalcor processes personal data solely in compliance with applicable legislation and regulations on such processing to establish and carry out its contractual obligations, comply with legal obligations, safeguard ElvalHalcor legitimate interests, or as per your consent, as applicable.

In particular, ElvalHalcor processes personal data necessary for exercising its rights and obligations as an employer, counterparty in different relations and legal agreements for fulfilling its obligations to tax, insurance, custom and other international, state and local authorities and bodies, as well as to its investors and for auditing and ensuring compliance to legislation and internal regulations. Also, it processes personal data to safeguard access to its facilities, maintain and improve investor relations, promote company activities, address legal issues and protect its legitimate interests.
Whose & What Personal Data is being Processed

The personal data being processed relates to the company’s individual physical customers and representatives of legal entities-customers, of collaborating 3rd parties or subcontractors, visitors, investors, as well as job applicants. The data revolves around:  

  • Contact details such as name, profession, employer, work address, email address and telephone number
  • Identity information in order to securely enter and remain at the company's premises, such as ID / passport number / residence permit, vehicle license / registration number
  • Photo-video material derived from our company’s public events, attended by the above.
  • Information related to the browser or device you use to access our website
  • Furthermore, for customers, collaborating 3rd parties and subcontractors: o Payment, delivery and invoicing details o Documents required for 3rd parties to operate on our premises 
  • Or for job applicants:
    • Name, home address, email address and telephone number and documentation as means of their verification
    • Date of birth, family status, nationality
    • Details on insurance and pension scheme
    • Employment and education history
    • References
    • Any other information you may provide via documents you submit to us

Who Processes Your Personal Data

Processing is restricted to what is absolutely necessary and performed by our company, other Viohalco companies, as well as collaborating 3rd parties & subcontractors on our behalf, for ensuring the successful fulfillment of the agreed purposes. Personal data is not sold to anyone. Personal data are shared with 3rd parties who are essential in providing the requested services and products and facilitating the agreed collaboration between you and our company or with lawful authorities as part of our legal obligations.
Personal data may be sent to other Viohalco companies, as well as collaborating 3rd parties & subcontractors, including their facilities within and outside EU/ΕΕΑ in cases related to the local sales network.  

Cloud Services may be used in facilities within EU/ EEA.
Protecting your Personal Data

Our company’s intent is to ensure that appropriate precautions exist to safeguard your personal data in any phase or location of its processing.

Our company as well as our subcontractors, collaborating parties when used, are required to take appropriate organisational and technical measures to ensure the protection of personal data from unauthorised access, use, disclosure, loss and alterations.

In all cases, the processing of personal data is carried out only by individuals or functions who are assigned with specifically related tasks requiring such data processing.
Retention of Personal Data

In order to satisfy the mentioned purposes for processing your data, we shall maintain the data for a period, which is related to the agreed purposes. However, we may retain this data further if so mandated by law, or for proportionate legitimate interests of ElvalHalcor until these interests are no longer in effect.
Automated Decision Making & Profiling

No automated decision-making, including profiling takes place for your personal data.

Your Rights as Data Subjects

Please be informed that you have the following rights:
1. To be informed of the personal data we processed and request for a copy to be provided

2. To request the data being corrected

3. To request the data to be deleted, or object to the processing of this data or ask for restrictions on its processing. Note that this may lead to disruption in the collaboration and/ or offering of services, according to the specific purposes for which the data is processed.

4. For information that has been collected by your consent only, you may withdraw your consent.  
Please note that in some cases, the above rights may be subject to certain exemptions, conditions or prerequisites. e.g, in the cases of §3 & §4, we may still need to process this data further, if so mandated by law, or for proportionate legitimate interests of ElvalHalcor until these interests are no longer in effect.  
5. In the case where you believe that we do not process your personal data lawfully or we have not sufficiently addressed your rights as above, you are entitled to complain so to the Supervisory Authority of the country of your residence, work or of ElvalHalcor. The details of the Supervisory Authority for ElvalHalcor are: Hellenic Data Protection Authority Web: Email:
Statement Updates

In our efforts to continuously enhance the protection of your data, your clear and unambiguous information on its processing and complying with European and country law, the present Personal Data Privacy Statement is subject to changes.  
Contact us

For any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, or to exercise your aforementioned rights, please feel free to contact us at

Regarding the use of CCTV please be informed here